Contact Us

BEFORE you contact us, here are some answers to common questions :)

When will I receive my tracking number?

You will usually receive your tracking number within 1 to 2 days.

Why isn't my tracking number working?

It may take up to 5 days for your tracking number to activate once you receive it.

How fast is the delivery time?

4-15 Days

What is the exchange/return policy?

Orders may be refunded within 30 minutes after purchasing if we tell you it has not been processed, as orders are fulfilled as soon as they are placed.

In case of unsatisfaction & damaged products, we haveĀ our ownĀ 30 day refund and replacement policy. In case of any questions and concerns, reach out to our customer friendly support team, and they will help you guide through the next steps on how to proceed with the replacement & refunds of your orders.

For more questions please reach out to us at:


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